Thursday 1 December 2011

The World Within

He stands silent, when everyone talks,
He hears your words as he walks.
On a different ground, every time a new sky,
But the world is same, here no one cries.
His soul here can breathe, his heart can think,
Right or wrong, no judgements bring.
No thoughts are held back, no lines uncrossable,
Even the impossible here is easily possible.
Someday he’s a cop, someday just a nice guy,
Someday he’s the saviour, flying high in the sky.
Never is he held back, his abilities questioned,
Even if he fails, he’s never abandoned.

Today while you talk, he’s off to space,
Ready for every challenge he has to face.
The head of his crew, he’s looked upon,
In this life he’s not, in the hands of fate, a pawn.
Day six in the journey, there’s a meteor shower,
His spaceship is trapped, with not enough power.
His crew knows it well, a way their captain will find.
When suddenly someone shout, his name from behind,

His mind Snaps back to the harsh reality,
To the land of expectations, full of disparity.
With standards in life, already set,
To the level his mind could never met.
With failiures came rejection, which led to dejection,
It started hurting when low went the affection.
As every mind desires, his to needed to be freed,
To be loved and praised, to happily breath.
So to this land of expectations, adieu he bid.
And created a world where he was best at what he did.

So you call him, he looks at you and gives you a smile,
Listens to what you say, for just a while.
And quietly drifts again to a world less gray,
Where the fearless spaceman, saves the day. 

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